Neural Network

What is a Neural Network? 

So what is a neural network? When most people hear of a neural network the think of some magical black box that is capable of solving very complicated problems. In reality a neural network is just a very fancy math formula, well kind of. A neural network is biologically inspired and named after the network of neurons that exist in your brain. A neural network is simply a group of connected neurons, there are some input neurons, some output neurons and a group of what we call hidden neurons in between. When we feed information to the input neurons we get some information from the output neurons. Information starts at the input neurons and travels to the next layers of neurons having whats called a weight and a bias applied to it. These weight and biases start out randomly determined and are tweaked as the network learns and sees more data. After reaching a new layer there is a function applied to each neurons value that is called an activation function.

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Neural Network:

            Now, when you hear neural network you usually think of neurons. Now, neurons are what composed of brains. Now, the way the neuron work or as very simple and high level is you have a bunch of them connect in some pattern.


        Let’s say there are two neurons and they connected in some kind of pattern. Now,neurons can either fire or not fire i.e on or off, just like 1 or 0.

        Let’s say for some reason a neuron decides to fire. What it would do is, it will look it's other neurons and connections and it will possibly cause its connected neurons to fire or do not fire. That’s how it works firing or unfiring.

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